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Koguma Launches “No Sexy” Campaign Against Club Venus

1 year ago

Koguma Launches “No Sexy” Campaign Against Club Venus

Koguma Launches “No Sexy” Campaign Against Club Venus

By: J. Curbelo

The newly-independent unit Club Venus is bound to make enemies in STARDOM. Following a dramatic and exciting Cinderella Finals show, the company is on its way to its biggest show ever with multiple game-changing developments. However, for STARS’ Koguma, this is an opportunity to do justice by crusading against Club Venus and their expressions of self-empowering beauty.

During the middle portion of the show, STARS’ representatives Koguma, Hazuki and Momo Kohgo faced off against CV’s Mariah May, Xena and Jessie. Just over a week before, the same Club Venus trio had defeated the STARS set of Koguma, Hanan and Saya Iida. However, it wasn’t easy, as Koguma forced her opps into an awkward situation.

Yesterday’s match was started by Koguma and May, with the bear aficionada luring her opponent by speaking to her in English and trap her into multiple roll-up pin attempts, unsuccessful.

After some struggle, May managed to regain control of the match and took the opportunity to mock Koguma by taking a page out of WWE Hall of Famer Nikki Bella’s playbook, which prompted Koguma to attack her and cross her arms in disapproval. She would use her wits to hook May into a Looney Tunes-esque chase that ended up with all of STARS literally running all over their three opponents in the middle of the ring, followed by a special triple-bear-clutch hold.

Ultimately, Club Venus would target the much more inexperienced Momo Kohgo and isolate her from her veteran teammates so that Jessie could pick the win against her in yet another pinfall victory in her brief but victorious STARDOM resume.

It was a frustrating loss for Momo Kohgo, who can’t stop being questioned about her direction in the company and her fangirl obsession with STARS holding her back. Kohgo vowed to earn a win and silence doubters. However, for Koguma, enough is enough.

After the match, Koguma posted -among three other pictures- a campaign poster depicting herself crossing arms against a smaller Mariah May with the words “NO sexy”, which were replicated in the tweet itself. While Mariah May could dismiss this as slanderous propaganda, she should not dismiss Koguma as a dangerous entity.

It was little over a year ago when Maika fell victim to Koguma’s secret magical powers that turned her into a bear and had her wrestle in that form during a show. If May keeps “poking the bear”, she could suffer unforeseen consequences.


