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Risa Sera challenges Giulia for STRONG Women’s Championship

2 years ago

Risa Sera challenges Giulia for STRONG Women’s Championship

By: James Carlin

Giulia has been in the United States for less than a week and she already has her past once again vying for her and her titles.

Risa Sera officially challenged the Dangerous Queen for her STRONG Women’s Championship following her defence at Multiverse United against Momo Kohgo, Gisele Shaw and Deonna Purrazzo.

Sera previously wrestled in Stardom from 2022-2023 as part of PROMINENCE‘s invasion of STARDOM, looking to take down Giulia and her friends in Donna del Mondo. Her last appearance was at All Star Grand Queendom with her freelance group, losing the Artist of Stardom titles to REstart (KAIRI, Natsupoi, Saori Anou).

If her challenge is accepted, it will be the first time that Risa Sera and Giulia have had a one-on-one match together since the 2019 ICExInfinity Tournament quarterfinals, which Sera won. Sera also sits at 3-0 against the champion, meaning a win is much more important for Giulia if she is willing to fight the hardcore specialist.

Risa Sera’s full challenge to Giulia can be watched below, courtesy of Himanshu Doi’s fantastic translation: