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Ones To Watch, 03.07.22 – Saori Anou

Saori Anou

By: James Carlin

As one of the biggest freelance names when it comes to joshi puroresu, the “Absolute Indomitable Girlfriend” Saori Anou has every right to be touted as one to watch.

She most recently has begun to help Ice Ribbon usher in a new era after winning their top title, the ICExInfinity championship, and continues to showcase her talent in a wide range of different promotions. From being OZ Academy tag team champion as part of Ozaki-gun and a former Actwres girl’Z champion, she’s been everywhere in joshi since her debut in 2015. She also took part in the first ever NOMADS’ Freelance Summit – an event for freelance only joshi.


If you watch any of her matches, you’ll be drawn to her instantly. There’s something special about her that not many joshi wrestlers are able to exhibit – the ability to tell stories. Between 2015-2017, she had a plethora of matches against STARDOM’s top talent; KAIRI, Io Shirai, Jungle Kyona. In all these matches she gave her all and told a story of wanting to win. Alongside her ability to draw people into her matches, she has one of the best bridges in professional wrestling and a very fluid and unpredictable in-ring style.

She has the look. She has the wrestling ability. She has the charisma. That’s why she’s this week’s one to watch – a unique standout performer in the world of joshi.



