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KAIRI’s Final STARDOM Match Ahead of Hiatus Is Set

2 years ago

KAIRI’s Final STARDOM Match Ahead of Hiatus Is Set

By: James Carlin

With KAIRI‘s indefinite hiatus due to start in October, she just has one last match on her calendar back in her home of STARDOM.

Today’s Dream Tag Festival saw KAIRI come out after the first match and speak to the fans about her regret of not being able to have one last match in the company before hiatus. This prompts FWC (Hazuki and Koguma) along with their STARS stablemate Saya Iida to come to the ring to challenge her to a trios match in Nagoya.

KAIRI accepts, and chooses her long-time tag team partner Nanae Takahashi to join her, then also selecting her former Threedom partner Mayu Iwatani as her second.

KAIRI’s first match back in 2022 was teaming with Iwatani, and 7KAIRI have teamed a few times since KAIRI, and subsequently Takahashi, returned to the promotion.


