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AJPW’s Suwama Invades NOAH and Attacks KONGO

1 year ago

AJPW’s Suwama Invades NOAH and Attacks KONGO

AJPW’s Suwama Invades NOAH and Attacks KONGO

By: J. Curbelo

Tension keeps arising as we approach NOAH’s Sunny Voyage next May the 21st. Kenoh and Manabu Soya are holding outsider gold as the All Japan Pro Wrestling World Tag Team Champions, and with NJPW’s Yuji Nagata as Triple Crown Champion, the AJPW roster is growing frustrated, more than anyone else is Suwama.

Last March, KONGO’s Kenoh and Manabu Soya defeated Naoya Nomura and Yuma Aoyagi at AJPW’s Dream Power series to claim the royal road mat’s tag titles. Suwama decided to challenge the team along with Voodoo Murders partner KONO, but Kenoh told him that they would only defend their titles in the NOAH ring, and haven’t actually defended them since then.

Tired and annoyed, Suwama took the chance after today’s Korakuen Hall show to show up unannounced and attack Kongo (Kenoh, Soya and Shuji Kondo) as they had just defeated the team of Kaito Kiyomiya, Sean Legacy and AMAKUSA. Booed by the fans, Suwama flipped everyone in the arena off and told them to “go to hell.”

The challenger rejoiced in his will to step into NOAH and make a mockery of Kenoh in his own turf, telling him to accept the match. Kenoh, in a fit of anger, replied that he and Soya will defend against Voodoo Murders and anyone else afterwards, no matter the ring. The match is set for Sunny Voyage in Kobe.


