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Zack Sabre Jr: “It Feels Natural to Return to NOAH”

1 year ago

Zack Sabre Jr: “It Feels Natural to Return to NOAH”

The technical genius Zack Sabre Jr. recently opened up with Tokyo Sports about his relationship with his former master, Yoshinari Ogawa.

By: R. Faliani

The NJPW WORLD Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr. is returning to Pro-Wrestling NOAH after five years of conquering New Japan Pro Wrestling. For those that don’t know, Zack initially made his career in Japan thanks to NOAH and the way they treated him. TMDK, Zack’s charismatic faction, was born in NOAH too. The G1 Climax 33 saw NOAH’s own Kaito Kiyomiya wrestling in the tournament, and that inspired Zack to come back to his old home and wrestle Kiyomiya on his own rules, in his own territory. Alongside the legendary Yoshinari Ogawa, Zack is going to face the team of both Kiyomiya and Ryohei Oiwa.

Zack declared he wants to show the potential of the British style of wrestling, and how it is still the strongest and most pure wrestling style in the world. The clash between British wrestling and Japanese wrestling will be outstanding, and who knows what kind of adventures await this new and motivated Zack as he’s the protagonist of a new bout between NOAH and New Japan, live from the Edion Arena at Osaka.


