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Yuma Aoyagi: “If I Win, You’ll Team Up With Kento Miyahara”

9 months ago Source: @PKDX

Source: @PKDX

Yuma Aoyagi: “If I Win, You’ll Team Up With Kento Miyahara”

The Triple Crown Champion Yuma Aoyagi has an interesting proposal for Katsuhiko Nakajima.

By: R. Faliani

The arrival of Katsuhiko Nakajima was a surprise to many, but the one truly intrigued by Nakajima’s appearance was the Triple Crown holder Yuma Aoyagi. Now, days away from their promising match, Aoyagi had some harsh statements not only for Nakajima but for All Japan Pro Wrestling as a whole.

The 27-year-old monarch talked with the crowd after the AJPW show in Hokkaido, based on the report from PKDX, and he certainly humiliated Nakajima with enough ego and narcissism to even declare: “If I win our Triple Crown bout, you’ll team up with Kento Miyahara on the World’s Strongest Tag Determination League.”

This is a sarcastic yet real proposal from Aoyagi that could be part of some mind games he’s playing with the former Pro Wrestling NOAH wrestler before their big match, which could see the latter with the Triple Crown around his waist, but could also be the moment for Aoyagi to establish himself as “the guy”.

Katsuhiko Nakajima vows to change the landscape of Japanese wrestling forever

It’s obvious Nakajima stands as a threat to the champ, who has been able to pass through every wall and obstacle in front of him. But we shall not take credit from Aoyagi, who has been having a fantastic year and has been proving his worth as one of the best wrestlers in the world today, with great matches against the likes of Miyahara, Yuji Nagata, Suwama, and Satoshi Kojima, who has been able to defeat Nakajima before and had a time limit draw the last time they faced each other in NOAH.

This will be the 6th defense from Aoyagi and could be understood as one of (if not) the biggest match of his first title reign as Triple Crown Champion. Nakajima has promised to take All Japan to the place it deserves, but Aoyagi was also harsh with the AJPW office, and how they could allow this to happen without asking him first. Aoyagi, tired from this incompetence from the AJPW management, declared: “All Japan has been leaning heavily on the challenger this time too. It’s not new, do you all hate that I’m holding the belt?”

Then, to cap off these harsh statements, Aoyagi promised to show Nakajima “the spectacular view” of All Japan. This could be a reference to Kenoh’s phrase about “the spectacular view” that NOAH offered and Nakajima certainly denied. It’s obvious Nakajima’s past can’t be forgotten, and of course, Aoyagi will use that to his advantage. Who knows what will happen on November 5th? Will these mind games from Aoyagi get in the head of “The Genius of the Kick”? Will the Triple Crown Champion earn his sixth defense, or will he suffer Nakajima’s wrath?


