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Yuji Nagata: ”My Final Goal Is the IWGP World Championship”

11 months ago

Yuji Nagata: ”My Final Goal Is the IWGP World Championship”

The 55-year old legend Yuji Nagata, who recently became Triple Crown Champion for All Japan Pro Wrestling, wants to write his name in IWGP history once again.

By: R. Faliani

Puroresu legend Yuji Nagata has declared he’s on the “countdown” to his retirement, but All Japan Pro Wrestling felt like a rise from the ashes to him. As Triple Crown Champion, Nagata felt alive and on his own words: “15 or 20 years younger”. Nagata has been in the business for more than 20 years, and while he’s thinking about hanging up the boots, he has set his final goal as a professional wrestler. The IWGP World Championship, currently held by SANADA. Nagata said that if he becomes IWGP Champion, it’s a done deal. In a year full of young stars rising, the old guard is letting them shine and have the spotlight, but of course, they want to keep going until the wheels fall off, because that’s what Puroresu is all about.

Nagata wrestled for New Japan Pro Wrestling not so long ago, in the Road to Destruction tour. Nagata, alongside Shota Umino and Master Wato wrestled the team of Minoru Suzuki, Ren Narita and El Desperado. In this match, the obvious veterans were Suzuki and Nagata, what we could now consider eternal rivals. The match was a mix of the past, the present and the future of pro-wrestling, and saw Nagata’s team standing up at the end. This Blue Justice produced match was on Nagata’s home turf, Togane, and that pushed him to a level beyond his capabilities as a 55-year old wrestler. Nagata keeps going strong, and as he aims for IWGP gold with ambition and pride, he’s fighting against time, and the last years of his long career.


