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Unagi Sayaka Vows to Make Tiger Queen “Bare it All”

2 years ago

Unagi Sayaka Vows to Make Tiger Queen “Bare it All”

Unagi Sayaka Vows to Make Tiger Queen “Bare it All”

by: J. Curbelo

Unagi Sayaka’s Gyan Period continued today as she wrestled for RJPW’s Strong Style Wrestling series, in a triple threat match against Tae Honma and eventual winner Tiger Queen.

An interesting development is that Unagi seems to be fully supported by the DarkerZ, a group of evil feline masked wrestlers targeting Tiger Queen.

Unagi did not acknowledge any alliance with these anonymous individuals, “Who are these? I don’t know them! They helped me but I don’t care!”, she said.

Regardless of her stance in regards to the villainous unit, Unagi is willing to go all the way in her quest to assess the masked hero.

“Yo’ Tiger Queen! I’ve been told you have never lost a match. You might be unable to speak, but I will make sure that you bare it all!” Unagi yelled at Tiger Queen. Despite the loss, it’s clear that this story is far from over, and with Unagi’s chaotic energy, RJPW won’t be the same.


