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Hiromu Takahashi Announces Donation to Shinjiro Otani

1 year ago

Hiromu Takahashi Announces Donation to Shinjiro Otani

Hiromu Takahashi Announces Donation to Shinjiro Otani

by: J. Curbelo

Anticipation for the All Star Junior Festival keeps building up as Hiromu Takahashi surprised fans at ZERO1’s spinoff promotion Tochigi Pro Wrestling with an unannounced appearance.

The producer of the ASJF stated that part of the proceeds drawn from the show will be donated to Shinjiro Otani, ZERO1’s leader.

In addition, Takahashi confirmed there will be a special match dedicated to Otani, as he continues to recover from a paralyzing injury that took place last April, which keeps him unable to move from the neck down.

Many personalities in the wrestling world have donated to the cause, with Takahashi being one of the strongest supporters. “Tickets are sold out, but the show will be broadcasted that day, so please join us”, Takahashi told fans in attendance. The All Star Junior Festival will feature international junior heavyweight wrestlers from a myriad of promotions, including NJPW, DDT, NOAH, CMLL, ZERO1 and more.

Takahashi is in charge of the tournament, and has had an extremely busy schedule as he organizes it week by week. Yesterday he wrestled at the first Fantastica Mania show in Takamatsu, one day after his match against AMAKUSA at the Tokyo Dome, went straight to Utsunomiya for his appearance and took the bullet train to be at the second night of Fantastica Mania in Kyoto.