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Tam Nakano Challenges Shinobu Kandori at Mid Summer Fes

2 years ago

Tam Nakano Challenges Shinobu Kandori at Mid Summer Fes

By: James Carlin

Last week’s Mid Summer Fes was an eventful show, featuring many legends of joshi puroresu from over the last thirty years, including LLPW’s Shinobu Kandori.

She teamed with Hazuki and Takako Inoue against the Cosmic Angels trio of Natsupoi, Saori Anou and Tam Nakano – although it was evidence that Nakano still wanted more from Kandori, challenging her to a singles match down the line: “Shinobu Kandori – this isn’t the end! Next, I want a singles match”.

Nakano held up her World of Stardom title towards Kandori, who laughed and shrugged it off.

However, Kandori would later to respond to Nakano’s challenge in an article by Tokyo Sports, stating that she would accept on some conditions: It would be wrong to say I have no expectations of her, but I think if she’s able to make the title shine until people say ‘We want to see you wrestle Shinobu Kandori!’, then I’d be up for the match.”

If Kandori does indeed wrestle Nakano for the Red Belt, it would be her first “Red Belt” match in over twenty-five years, when she was defeated by Yumiko Hotta in a knock-out rules match in 1999 for AJW’s WWWA World Championship.

Previously former World of Stardom champion Syuri, following one of her title defences, had called out Nanae Takahashi as someone who she wanted to defend her Red Belt against, with the match later happening at Stardom X Stardom 2022 in August last year. It remains to be seen if Naknao will get her singles match against Kandori.


