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Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 1.29.23

2 years ago

Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 1.29.23

Puroresu Gate: 29th Of January 2023

By: Mitchell Adams

Welcome to Puroresu Gate, a weekly feature where we review attendance figures of Puroresu and Joshi promotions in the most well-known venues in Japan.

This week, we are looking at the 290-seat Shin-Kiba 1st Ring arena. A popular venue among Joshi promotions and smaller Puroresu promotions, this quant little arena was first opened in 2001 and was considered to be the unofficial home venue for World Wonder Ring Stardom for many years.

Pro Wrestling Zero1: New Year Golden Series

Date: 27th Of January

Attendance: 179 fans

Pro Wrestling Zero1 has had a few rough years financially speaking and the horrific injury suffered by the promotions founder Shinjiro Otani in April 2022 has only added to the company’s woes. However, the promotion is still putting on fantastic events such as the one held at Shin-Kiba this week which was highlighted by an Intercontinental Tag Team Title match with Yasu Kubota and Hide Kubota facing off against Daisuke Sekimoto and Rikiya Fudo.




For comparison, here is a past event held in Shin-Kiba 1st Ring:


All Japan Pro Wrestling: Real World Tag League Night 2

Date: 16th Of November

Attendance: 269

All Japan kept on rolling with their Real World Tag League tournament this week with a great night of action capped off with Shotaro Ashino and Ryuki Honda going up against Suwama and KONO in the main event.



