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Ones To Watch. 13.06.22 – Suzu Suzuki

Suzu Suzuki

By: James Carlin

Deathmatch wrestling isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, and it isn’t as accepted in mainstream wrestling like it used to when Atsushi Onita came out to Wild Thing at the Tokyo Dome in 1999, but that hasn’t stopped deathmatches from having a hardcore fanbase, and at the center of it all is 19 year old Suzu Suzuki.

As part of the freelance group Prominence, she’s made her name doing insane deathmatches against fellow unit members such as Risa Sera and Akane Fujita as well as targeting former Ice Ribbon wrestlers in STARDOM’s Donna del Mondo group, Giulia and Thekla, most recently defeating their newest member Mai Sakurai at NEW BLOOD 2.

She’s a former Princess of Pro-Wrestling champion in PURE-J and former ICExInfinity champion in Ice Ribbon as well as participating in DDT’s King of Street Wrestling tournament in 2022 alongside names such as Chris Brookes, Abdullah Kobayashi and Sanshiro Takagi.

It’s fair to say that even though she’s a deathmatch wrestler at heart, Suzu Suzuki can still put on big matches in traditional wrestling match rules, making her a versatile and agile performer at such a young age, and why she’s Monthly Puroresu’s one to watch this week.