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Katsuhiko Nakajima: “You Have a Long Way, but Today Was Good.”

6 months ago Source: @PKDX

Source: @PKDX

Katsuhiko Nakajima: “You Have a Long Way, but Today Was Good.”

The Triple Crown Champion Katsuhiko Nakajima finally got along with his tag partner Hokuto Omori, and he’s slowly praising him.

by: R. Faliani

As the World’s Strongest Tag Determination League continues, so does the team of Katsuhiko Nakajima and Hokuto Omori, who have been having victory after victory since their impromptu pairing. Now, Nakajima is finally praising Omori despite the tumultuous start of their relationship as a unit.

Nakajima and Omori’s dynamic was troubling at first, but now based on the report from Tokyo Sports, it seems that Nakajima is slowly cheering Omori up and considering him reliable. The Triple Crown Champion is looking to win the whole League, and now it seems that both men are in the right way.

“The atmosphere in the previous two matches had been tense, with him kicking his partner Omori. But today they both left the match as winners and partners.” wrote Tokyo Sports on their website. The challenge of All Japan Pro Wrestling’s Tag League continues, and now Nakajima and Omori seem to be on the same page.


