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Kaito Kiyomiya One-Ups Jake Lee Days Before Great Voyage

1 year ago

Kaito Kiyomiya One-Ups Jake Lee Days Before Great Voyage

Kaito Kiyomiya One-Ups Jake Lee Days Before Great Voyage

By: J. Curbelo

The score is now even between GHC Heavyweight Champion Kaito Kiyomiya and challenger Jake Lee. In the main event of today’s Sunny Voyage show at Yokohama’s Radiant Hall, Kiyomiya joined YO-HEY to take on Lee and Anthony Greene.

This time, the champion was as fired up as ever, pulling out impactful move after impactful move, even indulging in slapping his frustrations away on Lee. The challenger managed to sneak in a forearm and knee strike that threw Kiyomiya off balance, allowing Anthony Greene to run into the ring and finish the job while Lee rested his eyes on the turnbuckle, confident in the outcome.

READ: Kiyomiya Upstaged by Lee, Kenoh Suggests Retirement

Unexpectedly, Kaito was able to counter Greene’s running attack with a Japanese leg roll clutch and score a three-count, while a cocky Lee had no idea of what was going on until it was too late. While it was a notoriously bothersome result for Lee, he put no blame on his partner and conceded defeat at the end.

Kiyomiya could finally celebrate again. He closed the show by venting to the crowd about the hardships and pressure of being the champion, but reassured them that it was all worth it because he loved professional wrestling. He optimistically promised that Great Voyage will be an exciting new beginning.

The champion will defend against Jake Lee next Sunday, live from Yokohama Budokan on WRESTLE UNIVERSE.


