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Ice Ribbon RibbonMania Review – 12.31.22

2 years ago

Ice Ribbon RibbonMania Review – 12.31.22

Ice Ribbon RibbonMania Review – 12.31.22

by: Abid Chowdhury

A sold out crowd of 856 fans came to witness the final pay per view show for Ice Ribbon of 2022 at Tokyo’s legendary venue, Korakuen Hall. It was their end of the year show on New Years Eve, this was RibbonMania. A pay per view where the present and future are showcased. An event where storylines continue to unfold, rivalries begin to form, and where storylines come to an end. This year was a special event. Featured a retirement of a short tenured but future star, along with two championship titles being defended. 

Tsukasa Fujimoto opened the show, and thanked the fans for coming today to watch Ice Ribbon’s final pay per view show of the year, RibbonMania. She then mentioned that Ice Ribbon’s newest trainee Aiki Yamaoka of the idol group “Cersier” had begun training to become a pro-wrestler. After she mentioned Aiki’s name, another trainee had also begun training, and Tsukasa welcomed the new trainee to the ring. The trainee’s name was Amu Yumesaki, and she was also from an idol group, “Rea scribe”. Amu introduced herself to the fans at Korakuen, and mentioned she would do her best to debut as a pro-wrestler in 2023. Tsukasa then wished her the best of luck.

We opened up Korakuen Hall with a 10 women’s tag match. Saran, Kiku & (Rebel x Enemy) Maya Yukihi, Ram Kaichow & Rina Yamashita vs Tsukina Umino, Yuko Sakurai of COLOR’S, Yura Suzuki from Alma Libre, Sumika Yanagawa from Just Tap Out Girl’s (JTO) & Momo Tani from PURE-J. Tsukina Umino pinned Kiku via her signature pin, the “Tomore Clutch” at 10 minutes and 57 seconds, this was a fun opener.

The second match was a tag match, Kaho Matsushita and “Pro Wrestling Wave Tag Team Champion” Hikari Shimizu of COLOR’S vs Hamuko Hoshi and “SEAdLINNNG’s Beyond The Sea Tag Team Champion” freelancer/free agent Makoto. Hamuko pinned Kaho Matsushita via a diving body press at 8 minutes and 40 seconds. Two fun tag matches back to back to kick off Korakuen Hall.

The third match featured the reunion of a popular Ice Ribbon unit, (Green Peace) Kyuuri, Tae Honma & Maika Ozaki vs Ice Ribbon’s current Princess unit (KISSmeT Princess) A~min from COLOR’S, Misa Kagura from JTO & Nao Ishikawa. Kyuuri pinned Nao Ishikawa via a blockbuster hold at 12 minutes and 53 seconds. Recommend watching this one, this was a lot of fun to watch. 

We’re getting to the closing stretch of this show. The following match was Yuuki Mashiro’s retirement match. After Mashiro and Nao Ishikawa won the 3rd Kizuna tournament on October 30th, Mashiro requested to have her final match be against her senpai, Prominence: Suzu Suzuki. The match was made official later, and these two would wrestle against each other for the first time since 2021. This was a back and forth battle. Mashiro displayed her fighting spirit, and her willingness not to give up. Suzu threw everything at Mashiro, but Mashiro kept coming back. Mashiro hit a crucifix driver only to get a 2 count. Mashiro went to deliver a dropkick, but Suzu hit a thrust kick and followed up with a roundhouse kick. Suzu would then use the “Tequila Shot”, a move that was handed down to her by her mentor Tequila Saya. Mashiro would kick out of the Tequila Shot, which shocked Suzu. Suzu would then pin Yuuki Mashiro via her german suplex bridge at 14 minutes and 33 seconds. Highly recommend watching this one.

After the match, Suzu and Mashiro hugged each other. Suzu left the ring, so the rest of Mashiro’s retirement ceremony could continue. Mashiro’s best friend “SEAdLINNNG’s Rico Kaiju” came down to the ring and handed Mashiro gifts. The rest of the Ice Ribbon roster thanked Mashiro, and gave her gifts. They all got together with her in the ring for pictures. Afterwards Mashiro thanked everyone for coming today. She thanked the fans for supporting her. After Mashiro shared her thoughts, a funny exchange happened between members of the roster and Mashiro. Mashiro forgot that she had to stay in the ring to hear the ring bell being rung 10 times. After Mashiro was reminded to stay in the ring, ring announcer: Ai Hara rang the ceremonial bell 10 times to signal the end of Mashiro’s career, and announced Mashiro one final time. “In the other corner, Triangle Ribbon Champion,’Gacha King’ ‘Profound Mystery’ Yuuki Mashiro!” Fans and wrestlers threw white streamers towards Mashiro, appreciating everything she’s done for pro-wrestling. Mashiro sat on the shoulders of her fellow peers as they carried her to the back, on her way to the back, she waved goodbye to the fans one final time.

After an emotional farewell, there were still matches left on this show. The final two matches were about to begin. The International Ribbon Tag Team Championships were on the line as AEW star Hikaru Shida and Ice Ribbon prodigy Ibuki Hoshi looked to defend their championships against Totoro Satsuki and Yuna Manase of Ganbare Pro Wrestling. The challengers dominated Ibuki for 5 minutes straight until Ibuki tagged in Shida. Shida delivered running high knees to Totoro and Yuna in the corner ropes. Shida hit a springboard double knee onto Totoro. Totoro caught Shida by surprise and hit a lariat followed by a back senton. Shida went for a jumping high knee but Yuna countered into a backdrop suplex. Both teams would trade moves with each other. The match would end after Ibuki Hoshi pinned Yuna Manase via her signature pin “Good Ibuning” at 17 minutes and 43 seconds. Recommend watching this great match. After the match, Shida berated Ibuki and told her that Ibuki has to win every match she’s a part of until their next tag title defense on March 19th at Korakuen Hall. If Ibuki doesn’t win, Shida will end their partnership. Ibuki, after she heard what Shida had to say, brawled with Shida. Ibuki then asked Ice Ribbon to give her a lot of singles matches in response to Shida’s ultimatum.

It was now time for the main event. Asahi challenged for the Ice x♾️(Cross Infinity) Championship for the second time this year. The first time was an unsuccessful title challenge, losing to the now retired and then ace, Tsukushi Haruka at Yokohama Budokan 2 on May 4, 2022. Tsukushi retired as the Infinity Champion. Ice Ribbon held a tournament to crown a new champion, in which Saori Anou would become victorious in the finals against Yuuki Mashiro and become the 34th Ice x♾️(Cross Infinity) Champion on June 24, 2022. This time Asahi faced a different opponent, someone who wanted to lead Ice Ribbon as their top champion, Saori Anou. Asahi was focused as ever, determined to become the ace of Ice Ribbon and the new Ice Cross Infinity Champion. 

The match started off as a stalemate as both wrestlers were familiar with each other’s styles. Anou went for a dropkick in which Asahi countered and locked in a submission. The action would be taken to the outside as Asahi worked to put damage on to Anou’s arm. Back in the ring, Anou went for her signature fisherman suplex bridge, but she couldn’t hold on due to the damage from her arm, and Asahi countered into a neckbreaker. Asahi immediately went back to the arm and locked on another submission on Anou. Both wrestlers would trade dropkicks with one another. Anou would hit her signature fisherman suplex followed by a fisherman suplex bridge, only to get a 2 count. Asahi used her signature move “Rising Sun”, which only got a 2 count from Anou. Anou would hit a german suplex bridge, Asahi kicked out at 1. Asahi used up that last bit of energy to kick out of Anou’s german suplex bridge. Anou pinned Asahi at 19 minutes and 38 seconds. Highly recommend watching this match. This was Asahi’s best match of her 5 year career. Saori Anou has defended her Ice x♾️(Cross Infinity) Championship, this was her 5th successful title defense. After the match Anou asked Asahi if she wanted to become the ace of Ice Ribbon. Asahi did not reply as she was in tears following her loss. In which Anou said Asahi will become an ace one day. Asahi in tears thanked Anou for the match, and Anou pat Asahi on her forehead. Anou closed out RibbonMania alongside the rest of Ice Ribbon’s roster saying Ice Ribbon’s catchphrase “Be Happy With Pro Wrestling, Ice Ribbon”!


1st match

~ Momo Tani delivers a running knee

~ Tsukina Umino springboard missile dropkick

~ Tsukina Umino fisherman suplex bridge

2nd match

~ Makoto’s double arm suplexes Kaho

~ Kaho and Hikari roundhouse kicks to Hamuko

~ Hamuko Hoshi double lariat to Kaho and Hikari

3rd match

~ A~min delivered hard knife edge chops to Maika Ozaki’s chest that had her screaming in pain

~ Maika Ozaki’s lifts up A~min into an argentine backbreaker submission 

~ A~min counters Maika’s lariat into a powerslam 

~ Maika delivers a lariat to A~min, and Misa delivers a lariat to Maika 

Rapid Fire takeaways:

~ This year’s RibbonMania was the first time since RibbonMania in 2019 where Ice Ribbon had a large attendance. 

~ In the 4th match, it was the first time Suzu Suzuki wrestled on an Ice Ribbon show since January 23 of 2022. 

~ Mashiro vs Suzuki wrestled against each other for the first time since June of 2021.

~ Suzu Suzuki using her mentor’s Tequila Saya’s “Tequila Shot”, a move that was given to Suzu when Saya retired at RibbonMania 2019.

~ Yuuki Mashiro retired as Triangle Ribbon Champion at 349 days. A championship she won on January 16 of 2022, and successfully defended the title 6 times. A special championship only defended in triple threat matches under a 15 minute time limit. 

~ Ice Ribbon will be hosting 3 Korakuen Hall shows in 2023, the next will take place on March 19th. 

~ Predicting that Ibuki and Shida will lose to Hamuko and Makoto at the next Korakuen in March, which would allow Ibuki and Shida’s rivalry to continue from their singles match they had on July 31st 2022.

~ Although Asahi lost, she gained Anou’s respect. Anou mentioned Asahi would become an ace and Infinity Champion one day.

Recommended matches:

2) : Kaho Matsushita & Hikari Shimizu vs Hamuko Hoshi & Makoto

3) : (Green Peace) Kyuuri, Tae Honma & Maika Ozaki vs (KISSmeT Princess) Nao Ishikawa, A~min & Misa Kagura

4) : (Yuuki Mashiro’s retirement match) Yuuki Mashiro vs Suzu Suzuki

5) : International Ribbon Tag Championship: Ibuki Hoshi & Hikaru Shida (c) vs (Big Dekai) Totoro Satsuki & Yuna Manase

6) : Ice x♾️(Cross Infinity)Championship: Saori Anou (c) vs Asahi


Momo Tani, Sumika Yanagawa, Tsukina Umino, Yuko Sakurai & Yura Suzuki defeat Kiku, Saran, Rebel X Enemy (Maya Yukihi, Ram Kaichow & Rina Yamashita) (10:57)

Hamuko Hoshi & Makoto defeat Hikari Shimizu & Kaho Matsushita (8:40)

(Green Peace) Kyuuri, Maika Ozaki & Tae Honma defeat (KISSmeT PRINCESS) A~min, Misa Kagura & Nao Ishikawa) (12:53)

Yuuki Mashiro’s last match: Suzu Suzuki defeats Yuuki Mashiro (14:33) 

Hikaru Shida & Ibuki Hoshi (c) defeat (BIG DEKAI) Totoro Satsuki & Yuna Manase (17:43)

Saori Anou (c) defeats Asahi (19:38)


