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How to Watch Sareee (fka Sarray) in Her Return to Japan from WWE

1 year ago

How to Watch Sareee (fka Sarray) in Her Return to Japan from WWE

How to Watch Sareee (fka Sarray) in Her Return to Japan from WWE

By: J. Curbelo

The countdown is over. This Tuesday at a sold-out Shinjuku FACE, “The Sun Goddess” Sareee will return to in-ring competition on her own produce show, “Saree-ISM – Chapter One”. the woman known as the last bastion of joshi strong style will face Chihiro Hashimoto for her comeback match.

Thinking of the overseas fans she made during her time in WWE, Sareee had a stream made for the show that can be purchased internationally on this website, guide included. Following the registration process, you can select the streaming option for ¥4000 yen, which is around $30 USD at the time of writing this report. Any card is valid, as well as the usual Japanese payment methods.

After being logged in and having paid for the show, the viewing page will become available, with the show starting at 7PM JST (6AM ET, 3AM PT for the United States) on Tuesday morning. Don’t miss the exciting start of this second run in Japan for Sareee!


