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Gatoh Move Mobile Game in Production

1 year ago

Gatoh Move Mobile Game in Production

Gatoh Move Mobile Game in Production

By: J. Curbelo

Gatoh Move has captured the hearts of puroresu fans all over the world with their unique presentation, core wrestling appeal and memorable storytelling. Now, fans can expect to have its colorful world in their pockets.

Last September, Emi Sakura announced that GTMV would be releasing a mobile game centered around the promotion and the ChocoPro brand. It was last week that a development company surfaced with exclusive pictures from the game.

TORO KIKAKU Incorporated, or “YUKANA” for short, have been involved in multiple popular projects since its foundation in 2018. The company assisted with development for titles such as Dead or Alive 6, Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl, and Ninja Gaiden Master Collection. In addition, they helped design several user interfaces, including that of SEGA’s second version of their Mega Drive MINI.

They are now in charge of capturing the essence of Gatoh Move in a yet-to-be-titled app revolving around minigames with chibi versions of the wrestlers as playable characters, such as what seems to be a Mei Suruga platformer. According to YUKANA, getting high scores in the game will give you points that can be exchanged for digital chekis (Polaroid photos of the wrestlers), like the ones the promotion sells in real life.

YUKANA is calling for fans to suggest names for this game, promising to credit whoever came up with the winning idea in the app itself. To participate, you need to follow the development team’s Twitter account and send them a direct message with your single idea. Their inbox is open, and they are grateful in advance for any suggestion.

While a release date has not been confirmed yet, the game is expected to be out within this year. Soon, NJPW Strong Spirits and STARDOM Card Party won’t be the only puroresu mobile games out there. Who could be next?

READ: Your Guide to ChocoPro


