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El Desperado Returns to DDT and Invites Danshoku Dieno to His Produce Show

10 months ago Photo c/o: Masahiro Kubota

Photo c/o: Masahiro Kubota

El Desperado Returns to DDT and Invites Danshoku Dieno to His Produce Show

By: R. Faliani

DDT Pro Wrestling hosted the Opening Round of the King of DDT tournament, which is going through its 20th Anniversary as of now. In DDT’s Korakuen Hall spectacle, a familiar face in the dramatic ring came out to the scene and promoted his own produced show: That face was El Desperado, who was promoting his Despe Invitacional, held in June. Desperado came out to invite a member of the DDT roster to this event formally: Danshoku Dieno.

The reason Desperado wanted Dieno and Pheromones to perform it was to make a twisted Dream Match a reality, in which said Pheromones group would square in faction warfare against none other than New Japan Pro Wrestling’s House of Torture. The former Pheromones leader caught the eye of Desperado and he even wanted to make Pheromones return for one night only to main event the show, and he handed the invitation. Nonetheless, Dieno stayed true to his promise with his Pheromones partners and explained to Desperado he couldn’t bring them back. Desperado still wanted him in the Invitacional so he gave him TWO invitations to him, and whoever he had in mind.

It’s interesting that Desperado himself came out to formally invite Dieno, due to the Invitacional having this mysterious and secret appeal of not knowing who will actually show up, and that speaks a lot about how high Desperado has somebody like Dieno, who embodies the “ironic” philosophy of pro wrestling the former IWGP Junior Champion wants to showcase in his own show. Dieno promised to bring a wrestler worthy of such an invitation, and he even hinted that said wrestler could be from another company. The Despe Invitacional is shaping up to be a chaotic yet fantastic event.


