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Chris Brookes Produce Matchcard Announced

2 years ago

Chris Brookes Produce Matchcard Announced

Chris Brookes Produce Matchcard Announced

by: J. Curbelo

In what cephalopod aficionado wrestler Chris Brookes described as a “10 second sell out”, his self-produced wrestling show BAKA GAIJIN + FRIENDS Vol. 3: Secret of the Ooze will have a full house attendance this March 7th. With such a joyous occasion, the matchcard was revealed as well.

The show will return to ARENA Shimokitazawa, a restaurant that is no stranger to cult live events, or general bizarre sightings for that matter, such as a full-scale statue of a passed out salaryman in underwear.

With that in mind, BAKA GAIJIN continues to showcase the weird, the wacky and the wonderful with talent like Mei Suruga, Lingerie Mutoh who will do “some kind of performance”, MAO, Drew Parker and more. The main attraction shapes up to be a special singles match between Chris Brookes himself and fan favorite freelancer Maya Yukihi. What crazy adventures await this Stupid Foreigner and his Friends?


