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NOSAWA Rongai’s Final DRAGONGATE Match Confirmed

1 year ago

NOSAWA Rongai’s Final DRAGONGATE Match Confirmed

NOSAWA Rongai’s Final DRAGONGATE Match Confirmed

by: J. Curbelo

It was in October last year that NOSAWA Rongai announced the closure of his tenured wrestling career, ideally taking place in February 2023. As they say, the time has come.

Before NOSAWA hangs them up for good in two weeks alongside Keiji Muto, he will step into the DRAGONGATE ring one final time.

El Perro del Mal de Japón will team up with Ultimo Dragon and Dragon Kid to face M3K (Susumu Mochizuki, Mochizuki Jr. and Yasushi Kanda) next Saturday during a Rey de Parejas tag league show.

Originally, NOSAWA planned to wrestle indefinitely, “until he was dead”. Unfortunately, injuries piled up to the point where he was medically adviced not to continue any further.

He purposefully did not specify the details of his injuries, but feels very immensely grateful and satisfied with his career and the possibility of retiring at the Tokyo Dome.


