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Airi Muto Will Compose an Official NOAH Theme Song

11 months ago Source: Pro Wrestling NOAH

Source: Pro Wrestling NOAH

Airi Muto Will Compose an Official NOAH Theme Song

Even after Keiji Muto’s retirement, the Muto family still lives in Pro Wrestling NOAH, and Airi Muto will compose an original and official NOAH theme song.

By: R. Faliani

Keiji Muto’s daughter and one of the most talented singers in Japan today Airi Muto will compose an official theme song for Pro Wrestling NOAH. Airi has been connected to wrestling not only because of her blood and her name, but because of everything that happened since she got to live her father’s retirement in a jam-packed Tokyo Dome early this year.

Airi will accompany Great Muta in this new NOAH revival we’re seeing after months of programming that couldn’t fill the gap Muto left in the promotion. This official theme song can be the exact change NOAH needs to be original and have a true identity. We wish nothing but the best of luck to Airi in this new venture.


