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Hiromu Takahashi Extends LIJ Invitation to AMAKUSA

2 years ago

Hiromu Takahashi Extends LIJ Invitation to AMAKUSA

Hiromu Takahashi Extends LIJ Invitation to AMAKUSA

by: J. Curbelo

Hiromu Takahashi is tireless in his quest to bring back his former tag team partner Kenbai out of the “shell” that is AMAKUSA. Keiji Muto’s LAST LOVE Tokyo Dome show saw the IWGP Jr. Heavyweight Champion face the GHC Jr. Heavyweight Champion in a “Tokyo Tornado Showdown”, in reference to the tag team’s name, active during both men’s wrestling excursion to the United Kingdom.

It was an encounter as exciting as it was dramatic, with Takahashi hammering down his desire to reunite with the former masked wrestler. AMAKUSA tried his best, with his impeccable aerial offense, but it all exploded in his face with Hiromu’s TIME BOMBS.

READ: Hiromu Takahashi Wants to Find Kenbai, Doesn’t Know Who AMAKUSA is

Regardless of the result, Takahashi finally understood what it all meant. After witnessing his opponent’s evolution first hand, he acknowledged that AMAKUSA is not Kenbai. Takahashi, shaking hands with his old friend, realized they are very different people.

“He really is AMAKUSA, NOAH’s Junior champion,” he said. At the same time, he challenged AMAKUSA to a rematch in a proper championship bout, whenever he’d like.

More surprisingly, Hiromu Takahashi started contempleting the possibility of admitting AMAKUSA into Los Ingobernables de Japón. “I wonder if he could be brought, since he belongs to NOAH,” Takahashi told press members. Still, he reiterated his interest in an eventual reunion, this time as decade-old veterans. ¿Estará AMAKUSA Tranquilo?

Takahashi expressed his desire to find a new partner for this year’s Super Jr. Tag League, but we still have quite some time ahead for NOAH’s top Junior to make a decision, and for NOAH itself to allow it in case he wants to be an Ingobernable.


