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Unagi Sakaya and the Kabukimono Spirit

2 years ago

Unagi Sakaya and the Kabukimono Spirit

How the outlaw samurai of Japan’s past helped define one of Stardom’s present

By: Trent Breward

World Wonder Ring Stardom’s roster is filled with a wide range of characters, but few instantly stand out quite like Unagi Sayaka. At first glance it’d be easy to assume her character is a weirdo. The eccentricities are anything but random, instead based on a fascinating piece of Japanese cultural history.

Kabukimono, roughly translates to mean ‘strange things’ or ‘the crazy ones’. It came to represent a unique brand of outlaw samurai and ronin from the late 1500s to early 1600s, as Japan transitioned from the Muromachi period to the Edo. Defying traditional norms, these men would act brash and loud, wear their hair in unusual styles and adorn themselves in bold colours – sometimes even women’s clothing. The name is believed to originally derive from the term kabuku, meaning to slant or deviate. They chose to stand separate from everyone else.

For foreigners this term might be new, but you may recognise a similar word: Kabuki. Ibuki no Okuni – widely credited with creating this theatrical style, drew inspiration from the kabukimono’s customs and style. Nowadays its outlandish visuals can still be seen today, hearkening back to the times of its creation.

When cast under this light, much of the Unagi Sayaka character begins to make sense. Unagi is loud and excitable, bouncing into view and commanding everyone’s attention. She cares not for how her attitude might be perceived by those around her. Even by wrestling standards, her costume is extravagant with colours, fabrics, and designs thrown together to draw the eye. These same colours extend to her hair, which she regularly dyes. Even her entrance music feels inspired by the music heard in Kabuki theatre.

Unagi has also periodically added aspects of the kabukimono culture to her character. Through the early months of 2021, she would come to the ring carrying a long smoking pipe known as a kiseru, which was sometimes used as a weapon by this unique version of samurai. When she made her way down to the ring to challenge Tam Nakano for the Wonder of Stardom Title, she did so with sword in hand – the final tie to her outlaw samurai persona. What’s a samurai without a sword?

What is important to note is that while the kabukimono flaunted against societal norms, they were loyal to their gangs. Unagi might put herself at odds with the rest of the roster, but there is a clear familial bond within Cosmic Angels. Even when they don’t see eye to eye, they stay together.

During her Future of Stardom title reign, she would often pounce at the opportunity to challenge unprepared company debutantes to try their luck against her. Picking on those weaker than themselves wasn’t uncommon from kabukimono, who were known to test the sharpness of their new swords on an innocent passerby. Unagi’s rowdy nature often disrupts the peace – just look at how uncomfortable Syuri and Konami were when they had to tag with her for one match, as Sayaka’s exuberant nature grated against their very beings. At every chance she seems to embody the kabukimono spirit, for better or worse.

“The weirdo flying through space”, Unagi Sayaka combines the cosmic side of her group with the cultural oddities of Japan’s past. She doesn’t fit in by nature. When presented with the choice to conform or flaunt her differences, she deviates towards the latter. Combined with her fiery underdog persona, Unagi has managed to create something uniquely her. What she isn’t, is weird just for the sake of it.

Written by:

After a regular receiving my Bachelor's degree from the University of Tasmania – yes, it's a real place – I went on to hone my writing craft before falling in love with STARDOM. As luck would have it, Thom and I started chatting about Joshi in early 2021, and I've been responsible for spearheading STARDOM content at Monthly Puroresu ever since. My work includes shortform, feature length profiles, op-eds, and Q&As.

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