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Yuuki Mashiro to Retire Against Suzu Suzuki in Ice Ribbon

2 years ago

Yuuki Mashiro to Retire Against Suzu Suzuki in Ice Ribbon

Yuuki Mashiro to Retire Against Suzu Suzuki in Ice Ribbon

By: J. Curbelo

Almost a year after leaving Ice Ribbon to form deathmatch independent unit PROMINENCE, Suzu Suzuki has been asked to return to the place she once called home per Yuuki Mashiro’s request to retire from professional wrestling with a match against her on December 31st’s Ribbonmania. It’s a match that the Triangle Ribbon Champion has wanted for a while, but Ice Ribbon is yet to officially authorize the encounter despite its president giving a personal thumbs up.

In September, Yuuki Mashiro announced her retirement from professional wrestling to focus on the next chapter of her young life. It seems like yesterday when we highlighted her as a promising Ones to Watch talent, but joshi puroresu is truly a “Blink and you’ll miss it” kind of sport. Little more than a month remains in Mashiro’s road to retirement, and she hopes for her ultimate wish to be granted, or she “won’t have a retirement match”.

Mashiro and Suzu Suzuki got along pretty easily, both starting around the same timeframe in Ice Ribbon and facing each other in Yuuki’s first singles match as a pro over two years ago. Their dynamic of “older junior” and “younger senpai” was admittedly awkward at first, but they grew closer and closer to each other, even after Suzuki’s departure from the company.

It is because of this friendship that Yuuki wants Suzu to end her career and won’t take “No” for an answer, even if she has to end it with no retirement match at all. Suzuki has stated that she’s happy to oblige, so it’s up to Ice Ribbon to announce the match. President Hajime Sato expressed being open to the idea, but Suzuki’s controversial departure is reportedly complicating the process amongst other authorities in the promotion.

If the match does take place, it would not only be Mashiro’s final stand in professional wrestling, but also Suzuki’s 4th anniversary in her career. It would only make sense to celebrate it in an Ice Ribbon ring.


