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The “K” in TMDK Stands For Kosei Fujita

2 years ago

The “K” in TMDK Stands For Kosei Fujita

We saw the return of the original TMDK on Wrestle Kingdom, with the brand new NJPW World Television Champion Zack Sabre Jr, but New Year Dash brought us a new member for the group.

By: R.Faliani

Zack Sabre Jr. stepped up to the plate as the new frontman for TMDK, and he’s already bringing young boys to the team. Zack was a member of Suzuki-gun, so he knows a thing or two about trusting young talents and teaching them the ways of violence, that’s why he called Kosei Fujita as his protege, and the new member of TMDK. The Young Lion will be a great member, and he will be able to grow as a professional wrestler even more.

After giving Fujita a TMDK shirt, Zack spoke to the camera and said “Up yours, Jon Moxley!”. We know he has a lot of history not only with Mox, but with his Blackpool Combat Club comrade Bryan Danielson. If Zack wants to fight Moxley and Danielson, this new unit he’s building could be a big challenge for the group, and could lead up to a great match between both teams. But for now, the mighty will not kneel.


