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The Great Muta Mists a Baby in NOAH

6 months ago The Great Muta after his retirement match, live from Yokohama Arena, 1.22.2023. c/o Masahiro Kubota

The Great Muta after his retirement match, live from Yokohama Arena, 1.22.2023. c/o Masahiro Kubota

The Great Muta Mists a Baby in NOAH

The Great Muta has appeared once again in Pro Wrestling NOAH, and he has spit his green mist in a baby’s face.

By: R. Faliani

The Great Muta has become a prominent figure in Pro Wrestling NOAH in recent weeks. The legendary pro-wrestler has caught our eye participating in the most interesting yet confusing segments for NOAH, and he has added another chapter to what seems to be the creation of his new child. Just as we reported when Muta returned to the ring, this idea of a “daughter” seems to add strength. Now, he has spit his green mist in a baby’s face.

Who knows what’s the true meaning of this interesting video presented to the NOAH aficionados? We know Muta has a long history with children of his own, and in something no one expected to be done in 2023, it seems that the infamous Akebono is not the only Muta child we will know about in the future. For some reason, the HUSTLE beats are playing again and we’re seeing Muta work in this weird program that can lead to absolutely everything at this point.


