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Tension Boils Between Narita and Sabre Jr. Ahead of Wrestle Kingdom

1 year ago

Tension Boils Between Narita and Sabre Jr. Ahead of Wrestle Kingdom

Tension Boils Between Narita and Sabre Jr. Ahead of Wrestle Kingdom

By: J. Curbelo

New Japan Pro Wrestling returned to Anjo City in Aichi Prefecture today with an exciting card including NJPW World TV Championship Tournament finalists Ren Narita and Zack Sabre Jr. teaming up with their respective allies in a six-man tag team match that saw Narita getting the win over DOUKI with ZSJ’s own Cobra Twist. The contenders and their mind games on each other were certainly the protagonist of this match.

Suzuki-gun’s master technician praised Narita’s LA Dojo formation, but claimed that it couldn’t match to his background in the United Kingdom and Japan. Sabre Jr. stated that he is the true heir to Strong Style wrestling since its roots are set in the Billy Riley Gym in England, as covered by Monthly Puroresu on Issue #10, available now.

To add insult to injury, Zack downplayed his rival saying he’s young and inexperienced, and that he is the perfect inaugural champion for the NJPW World TV title, having wrestled all over the world while staying loyal to New Japan. “Narita has no chance”. With Wrestle Kingdom 17 on the horizon, are ZSJ’s words a certain premonition?


