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Tam Nakano Calls Out Trolls Slandering Her Online

2 years ago

Tam Nakano Calls Out Trolls Slandering Her Online

Tam Nakano Calls Out Trolls Slandering Her Online

by: J. Curbelo

On February 20th, STARDOM’s “Top Kawaii in the Cosmos” Tam Nakano opened up on her Instagram stories about receiving hostile comments.

The former Wonder of Stardom Champion mentioned that people are saying “mean things” about her on Twitter and while she knows it’s a minority, it worries her that it not only gets to other, more sensitive wrestlers, but also tarnishes the image of STARDOM fans.

Nakano called for people to report online trolls and slanderers before other wrestlers can see their tweets, and to pour out love to her and the other wrestlers, so that all the attacks and insults go unnoticed and end up buried.

While no public attackers surfaced, this has been one of many similar reports in the last few years. It goes without saying that Hana Kimura’s tragic case has shed light on this problematic situation, but the outcomes leave a lot to be desired.

Many offenders opt to attack the wrestlers without directly tagging them. However, the wrestlers themselves often search their own names, a practice that’s often refered to as “vanity searching” to connect with fans and see how popular they are. Unfortunately, this has been proven to backfire as trolls take the chance to mess with their targets.

Fans hope that these meaningless insults are ultimately ignored and forgotten in favor of support for their favorite stars.


