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Taichi Defeats SHO and Wins the KOPW Title

10 months ago

Taichi Defeats SHO and Wins the KOPW Title

Taichi finally defeated the House of Torture young bastard in SHO and recovered his KOPW Title in today’s New Japan Pro Wrestling show.

By: R. Faliani

The KOPW Title has changed hands once again, and Taichi is the rightful man to carry the belt now. The House of Torture shenanigans were not enough to stop the determination of Taichi, as he went through SHO. Usually, the KOPW Title has stipulations decided by fan votes, but with Taichi saying he accepted “any rule” the villainous faction did whatever they wanted.

Despite the House of Torture trying to stop Taichi by pulling their usual tricks and such, the Just 5 Guys veteran left no loose to cut, as he took SHO and his comrades on a ride of pain and punishment despite the implications a “Special Referee” match had in this scenario, with Yoshinobu Kanemaru working extra-time and trying to screw Taichi out of the KOPW title.

Despite their attempts, Taichi stood tall and by the wrath of his kicks challenged the infamous Kanemaru to a match to end it all. The KOPW Title will be on the line between the former J5G soldier, and the current reigning veteran.



