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Syuri: “Even After Losing the Belt, I Won’t Stop Shining”

2 years ago

Syuri: “Even After Losing the Belt, I Won’t Stop Shining”

Syuri: “Even After Losing the Belt, I Won’t Stop Shining”

by: J. Curbelo

Throughout November and into the first few days of January, Japan’s Weekly Pro Wrestling magazine held their “Grand Prix” year-end awards that were voted by fans and readers. With a total of 12,148 votes; 2,383 of them were in favor of Syuri as Women’s MVP, making her land the #1 spot -and for good reason.

Her World of Stardom Championship reign made for a thrilling 2022 for the company, and she took the opportunity to express her happiness and gratitude. The leader of God’s Eye stated that it’s because of the support of the fans and those around her that she became the woman she is today.

This gratifying moment comes after years of being overlooked, something that frustrated the former champion but also made this recognition worth it, according to her. “I’m very glad that I found professional wrestling and fell in love with it,” she said.

When looking back at her title reign, Syuri explained that she wanted to incorporate her opponents’ emotions and motivations into her matches, riling them up to be the best version of themselves and defeating them at the peak of their performance, making each match as unforgettable as possible.

With this one being one of several awards she has won for her legacy-defining run with the red belt, “The Woman Who Does Things Like No Other” promises to keep going on and venture into new and exciting challenges, such as her brewing rivalry with Sendai Girls’ Chihiro Hashimoto.

“I will devote myself to make professional wrestling even more exciting! Even after losing the belt, I won’t stop shining,” Syuri told Weekly Pro Wrestling. First on the list is Saki Kashima, as we reported a couple of days ago, who is always an unpredictable wildcard that could give Syuri a less than desired start of this new chapter in her career.

READ: Saki Kashima Prepares to Become a Shooter and Face Syuri


