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STARDOM Midsummer Champions in Nagoya Review

3 years ago

STARDOM Midsummer Champions in Nagoya Review

STARDOM Midsummer Champions in Nagoya Review

By: Trent Breward

With less than a week until the 5 Star Grand Prix tournament begins and off the back of a show the previous night, the wrestlers could be forgiven if they wanted to take Midsummer Champions a little easy.

Instead, Syuri and Tam Nakano chose violence.

In a match that exemplified both of their strengths, this slugfest felt more like a war of styles than it did competitors. The impeccable technique of the champion against the raw emotion of the challenger. Tam’s style had led her to great success in 2021 as the Wonder of Stardom Champion, and at moments it felt as though it was going to overwhelm Syuri.

The Twilight Dream Suplex that had won her the White Belt almost brought the Red to her as well. However that emotional fuel that carried her to the cusp of championship glory burned her out at the worst possible time. Her bridging pin faltered and Syuri’s foot fell onto the ropes, breaking the pin. Tam kept fighting, but she was running on empty as the champion recomposed herself and finished the job with brutal efficiency.

Tam won’t stay away for long. After the match she spoke directly to the Red Belt. She is a vindictive woman and she will be back. And if the dive from the top of the stage is anything to go by, she will do whatever it takes to wear that title. It’s just that Syuri is just on another level right now and can’t be beat. This match will go down as one of her best of the year.

The champion’s attention now turns to not only the 5 Star Grand Prix, but also the August 21st PPV when they return to Nagoya. Syuri announced she had someone special in mind to fight in a month’s time. Who that is? We’ll have to wait and see.

As it is, Tam might not have to wait too long before she gets another shot at championship gold. Fukuoka Double Crazy (Hazuki and Koguma) were successful in their fourth defense of the Goddess of Stardom Tag Championships, defeating the God’s Eye pairing of MIRAI and Ami Sourei in a rematch after their thirty minute draw at the start of the month. Hazuki specifically called out Tam Nakano and new Cosmic Angels member Natsupoi as the team they want to face next. The new pairing look inseparable, but have their recent battles against each other prepared them as a team worthy of holding championship gold together?

Truthfully FWC were lucky to escape with the titles. After a fairly even match that far exceeded their first encounter, Sourei and MIRAI began to dominate the final stretch, using their significant power advantage to bully the champions. It was only a rolling Hazukistral pin that managed to catch Sourei off guard enough to get the count of three, keeping the titles around the waist of Hazuki and Koguma.

Nevertheless a win is a win. Pro wrestling isn’t won on points but on the final decision, something Saki Kashima proved yet again. Her lethal Kishikasei flash pin once more got the better of Giulia, earning Oedo Tai another defense of the Artists of Stardom Championships despite Saki looking worse for wear by the end of it. That move is going to break a lot of hearts in the upcoming tournament because all it takes is a momentary lapse of awareness and she’s shifted your bodyweight in such a way that you’re suddenly trapped.

It was a night for the champions, with Saya Kamitani and AZM also retaining their titles. Kamitani continues to make a case for Wrestler of the Year with another great match, this time against SAKI from Colors. It was a fascinating battle between the veteran and the young upstart champion, and Saya’s success here should help lay the foundation towards her long awaited match against another veteran: KAIRI. Whenever that match happens Saya will need to call upon all the experience she’s gained during these defenses if she hopes to stand tall.

Full match results

  • Saya Iida & Hanan vs. Mai Sakurai & Rina Amikura ended in a 10-minute draw
  • Mayu Iwatani & Momo Kohgo def. Fukigen Death & Ruaka
  • High-Speed Championship: AZM (c) def. Rina
  • Risa Sera, Suzu Suzuki & Hiragi Kurumi def. Mina Shirakawa, Unagi Sayaka & Hikari Shimizu, and Lady C, Miyu Amasaki & Hina in a Three Team Captain’s Fall Match
  • Artist of Stardom Championship: Momo Watanabe, Saki Kashima & Starlight Kid (c) def. Giulia, Maika & Himeka
  • Goddess of Stardom Championship: Hazuki & Koguma (c) def. MIRAI & Ami Sourei
  • Wonder of Stardom Championship: Saya Kamitani (c) def. SAKI
  • World of Stardom Championship: Syuri (c) def. Tam Nakano

Rapid fire takeaways

  • The Mayu Iwatani/Momo Kohgo team is gaining plenty of chemistry and momentum and should shape up nicely one of the three STARS teams in the Goddess of Stardom Tag League later in the year.
  • Speaking of Momo Kohgo, nobody looked more disappointed to see that the return of Gokigen Death was just a one night thing on Saturday. Despite her best attempts, Death still bleeds the Oedo Tai purple.
  • Unagi Sayaka just can’t help herself. Risa Sera managed to eliminate her from their three team tag match but Unagi still had plenty of words for the Prominence leader. They’re set to face off in the tournament on September 11 and it’s likely Sera won’t have forgotten a word.
  • Tam Nakano might have come up short in her championship challenges this year, but she might have also given both Syuri and Saya Kamitani their best matches of the year. Tam has come a long, long way since she first joined the company in 2017.
  • Donna Del Mondo are still one of the strongest factions in STARDOM, but they have certainly fallen to earth and looking as vulnerable as they’ve ever been in recent months. Maybe time to focus on the individual during the 5 Star Tournament will do them all some good.


