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STARDOM Announces 2023 5★Star GP Entrants

2 years ago

STARDOM Announces 2023 5★Star GP Entrants

By: James Carlin

Back at All Star Grand Queendom in April, the dates for the beginning and end of STARDOM’s yearly singles round-robin tournament were announced, July 23rd and September 30th. Now, the entries to this year’s edition of the tournament have been announced at Flashing Champions.

This year, the participating wrestlers are:
Mayu Iwatani, IWGP Women’s champion
Utami Hayashishita
Saya Kamitani
Natsuko Tora
Starlight Kid, NEW BLOOD Tag Team champion
Momo Watanabe
Giulia, Artist of Stardom Trios champion
Tam Nakano, World of Stardom and Wonder of Stardom champion
Saori Anou
MIRAI, Goddess of Stardom Tag Team champion
Ami Sourei, Goddess of Stardom Tag Team champion
Mina Shirakawa
Suzu Suzuki

A mini-tournament to decide the last two entries to 5STAR, X & XX, will commence on June 18th.