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Stardom 5 STAR GP 2023 Schedule, Preview & Rankings

2 years ago

Stardom 5 STAR GP 2023 Schedule, Preview & Rankings

5STAR Grand Prix 2023 Preview & Rankings

By: James Carlin

This year Stardom’s annual round-robin tournament, the 5STAR GP, returns to a twenty-woman playing field from 2021 after last year’s had a staggering twenty-six women competing.

The amount of talent in the company has risen, and the amount of spots has lowered, making the tournament all the more prestigious and all to play for this time around.

Finishing at the Yokohama Budokan on September 30, this year’s tournament seems less predictable than previous years as multiple people could step up and earn the right to challenge current World of Stardom champion Tam Nakano at the end of the year.

Potential Winners

Utami Hayashishita: The Red Queen has had a rather quiet few years since losing the Red Belt to Syuri at Dream Queendom in 2021. While she has challenged for numerous other championships, such as for the White Belt against her AphroditE partner Saya Kamitani last year, it looks as though Hayashishita’s short excursion abroad could be the start of a bright new future for the former World of Stardom champion.

Saya Kamitani: The former record-setting Wonder of Stardom champion has already told Tokyo Sports of her promise to become the “Undisputed Ace of Stardom” by defeating previous tournament winners Syuri and Mayu Iwatani, but her momentum may be halted if she ends up facing off against her partner and Queen’s Quest leader in the finals.
Note: As of July 25th, Saya Kamitani has withdrawn from this year’s tournament due to injury.

MIRAI: She’s already had an electric first year in the company, and MIRAI looks to add onto her recent tournament successes by being the second person after Toni Storm to win the Cinderella and 5STAR tournaments in the same year, which could give us another Champion vs. Champion showdown if she manages to hold onto her new Wonder of Stardom title until the end of the year as well.

Maika: The Crimson Empress looks to win her first singles tournament and major singles championship by being the last woman standing in the 5STAR. She’s had multiple challenges for the White Belt and Red Belt to no success, but this year could be the one that her luck changes once and for all.

Suzu Suzuki: There’s no way to get around it, Suzuki is the future of women’s pro-wrestling, and in her own words – the face of the entirety of pro-wrestling itself too. Her rise has been rapid, and her draw with Giulia in last year’s tournament is nothing to scoff at either, and there’s a very likely chance she could be the youngest winner of the tournament ever at just twenty one years old.

5STAR GP 2023 Schedule

July 23

Red Stars

Ami Sourei vs. Natsuko Tora
Natsupoi vs. Starlight Kid
Syuri vs. Suzu Suzuki
Mayu Iwatani vs. Hazuki
Tam Nakano vs. Saya Kamitani

Blue Stars

Maika vs. Hanan
AZM vs. Mariah May
MIRAI vs. Momo Watanabe
Utami Hayashishita vs. Mina Shirakawa
Giulia vs. Saori Anou

July 29

Blue Stars

Saori Anou vs. Mariah May
Giulia vs. Hanan
MIRAI vs. Mina Shirakawa

July 30

Red Stars

Saya Kamitani vs. Natsuko Tora
Suzu Suzuki vs. Natsupoi

Blue Stars

MIRAI vs. Hanan

August 5

Red Stars

Suzu Suzuki vs. Starlight Kid

Blue Stars

Saori Anou vs. Maika

August 6

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Hazuki
Syuri vs. Natsuko Tora

Blue Stars

Saori Anou vs. AZM
Mina Shirakawa vs. Hanan

August 8

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Suzu Suzuki
Syuri vs. Natsupoi

Blue Stars

Maika vs. Momo Watanabe
Giulia vs. Mariah May

August 10

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Natsupoi
Saya Kamitani vs. Ami Sourei
Suzu Suzuki vs. Natsuko Tora

August 12

Blue Stars

Utami Hayashishita vs. Saori Anou
Giulia vs. Mina Shirakawa
AZM vs. Hanan

August 13

Red Stars

Starlight Kid vs. Natsuko Tora

August 15

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Mayu Iwatani
Saya Kamitani vs. Natsupoi
Syuri vs. Hazuki

Blue Stars

Utami Hayashishita vs. AZM
Saori Anou vs. Momo Watanabe
Mina Shirakawa vs. Mariah May

August 20

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Natsuko Tora
Hazuki vs. Ami Sourei

August 26

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Natsuko Tora
Saya Kamitani vs. Starlight Kid

Blue Stars

Giulia vs. MIRAI
Utami Hayashishita vs. Maika

August 27

Red Stars

Natsupoi vs. Natsuko Tora
Ami Sourei vs. Starlight Kid

Blue Stars

Saori Anou vs. Hanan
Momo Watanabe vs. Mariah May

September 2

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Ami Sourei

Blue Stars

Giulia vs. Momo Watanabe
Mina Shirakawa vs. AZM
Utami Hayashishita vs. Mariah May

September 3

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Syuri
Saya Kamitani vs. Hazuki
Tam Nakano vs. Starlight Kid

Blue Stars

Utami Hayashishita vs. Momo Watanabe

September 9

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Suzu Suzuki
Syuri vs. Saya Kamitani
Starlight Kid vs. Hazuki

Blue Stars

Giulia vs. Maika
Saori Anou vs. MIRAI

September 16

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Ami Sourei
Hazuki vs. Natsupoi

Blue Stars

Maika vs. AZM

September 17

Red Stars

Suzu Suzuki vs. Ami Sourei

Blue Stars

Hanan vs. Momo Watanabe

MIRAI vs. Mariah May

September 18

Red Stars

Natsupoi vs. Ami Sourei

Blue Stars

Mina Shirakawa vs. Momo Watanabe

September 20

Red Stars

Tam Nakano vs. Syuri

Blue Stars

Giulia vs. AZM
Utami Hayashishita vs. MIRAI
Maika vs. Mariah May

September 23

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Saya Kamitani
Hazuki vs. Suzu Suzuki

Blue Stars

Maika vs. Mina Shirakawa

September 24

Red Stars

Syuri vs. Starlight Kid

Blue Stars

Utami Hayashishita vs. Hanan

September 30

Red Stars

Mayu Iwatani vs. Starlight Kid
Saya Kamitani vs. Suzu Suzuki
Tam Nakano vs. Natsupoi
Syuri vs. Ami Sourei
Hazuki vs. Natsuko Tora

Blue Stars

Giulia vs. Utami Hayashishita
MIRAI vs. Maika
AZM vs. Momo Watanabe
Hanan vs. Mariah May
Mina Shirakawa vs. Saori Anou

Current Block Standings

Blue Stars

Utami Hayashishita (8pt)
Giulia (9pt)
AZM (8pt)
Saori Anou (8pt)
Mariah May (6pt)
MIRAI (10pt)
Momo Watanabe (8pt)
Mina Shirakawa (9pt)
Maika (10pt)
Hanan (4pt)

Red Stars

Natsuko Tora (12pt)
Natsupoi (9pt)
Tam Nakano (11pt)
Syuri (11pt)
Mayu Iwatani (9pt)
Suzu Suzuki (10pt)
Starlight Kid (4pt)
Ami Sourei (6pt)
Hazuki (8pt)
Saya Kamitani (N/A)

*Ranking up to date as of September 24th

Previous 5STAR Grand Prix Winners

2012: Yuzuki Aikawa
2013: Nanae Takahashi
2014:  Io Shirai
2015: Kairi Hojo
2016: Yoko Bito
2017: Toni Storm
2018: Mayu Iwatani
2019: Hana Kimura
2020: Utami Hayashishita
2021: Syuri
2022: Giulia

5STAR Fast Facts

  • Only four of the eleven winners of the 5STAR went on to win their championship match – the last three all won their title challenges.
  • The World of Stardom championship has been challenged for the most at nine times, whilst the Wonder of Stardom champion and Goddess of Stardom titles have only been challenged for once each.
  • Three of the tournament winners never ended up as holder of the Red Belt – Yuzuki Aikawa, Yoko Bito and Hana Kimura.
  • There have been no two time winners of the tournament.
  • Io Shirai was challenged the most by winners, being challenged three times; all for the World of Stardom championship.