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Saya Kamitani Proposes New Members in Queen’s Quest

10 months ago Photo c/o: Masahiro Kubota

Photo c/o: Masahiro Kubota

Saya Kamitani Proposes New Members in Queen’s Quest

By: R. Faliani

With Utami Hayashishita’s departure from STARDOM, Saya Kamitani became the de-facto leader of Queen’s Quest while they were facing this new era. The former Aphrodite star was given power in a faction that’s composed of the best talent STARDOM has to offer, and now Kamitani wants more members to join. The Queen’s Quest 21-year-old prodigy AZM supported Kamitani’s offer and also wants the faction to grow.

The group has a long lineage of members and many achievements such as having World of STARDOM Champions, Wonder of STARDOM Champions, and of course, High Speed Champions such as AZM herself and now Kamitani.

Kamitani already has a contender for Queen’s Quest and AZM believes it’s the right choice, but we don’t know as of now who that new member will be as the Queens have decided to keep it a secret. We have our suspicions of who will come to the group, but we don’t want to throw names because one thing is certain in STARDOM: Nothing is certain.


