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Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 8.14.22

3 years ago

Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 8.14.22

Puroresu Gate: 14th Of August 2022

By: Mitchell Adams

Welcome to Puroresu Gate, a weekly feature where we review attendance figures of Puroresu and Joshi promotions in the most well-known venues in Japan.

This week, we are looking at the 1,800-seat Korakuen Hall. Known as the MECCA of Japanese Pro Wrestling, this venue is used by every Puroresu and Joshi promotion and is considered sacred ground for fans and wrestlers alike.

Dragon Gate: The Gate Of Adventure

Date: August 10th

Attendance: 1,056

Dragon Gate continues to pioneer the mixed Puroresu and Lucha Libre style created by the legendary Ultimo Dragon with every single show. The main event of this event was a steller match between Eita and Kzy with the winner getting a future shot at the Open The Dream Gate Championship.


World Wonder Ring Stardom: 5 Star Grand Prix Night Five

Date: August 11th

Attendance: 1,528

Stardom had essentially sold out Korakuen Hall for the fifth night of its most prestigious tournament which is something every promotion in Japan has struggled to do post-pandemic. With this achievement, they once again prove that they are the biggest name in Joshi. The action in the ring that night also proved they may be producing not just the best Women’s Pro Wrestling in the world, but the best Pro Wrestling period!

Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling: Tokyo Princess Cup Final

Date: August 14th

Attendance: 551 fans

The finale of what was an amazing tournament saw Yuka Sakazaki and Miu Watanabe put on a spectacular main event.


