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Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 1.2.23

2 years ago

Puroresu Gate, Weekly Ticket Sales – 1.2.23

Puroresu Gate: 2nd Of January 2023

By: Mitchell Adams

Welcome to Puroresu Gate, a weekly feature where we review attendance figures of Puroresu and Joshi promotions in the most well-known venues in Japan.

This week, we are looking at the 14,471-seat Nippon Budokan Arena in Tokyo Japan. One of the largest and most prestigious arenas in Japan, this venue has hosted some of the most epic moments in the entire history of Puroresu!

Pro Wrestling Noah: The New Year 2023

Date: January 1st 2023

Attendance: 9,500

Pro Wrestling Noah held one of the biggest shows in the entire history of the promotion after Japan once again eased Covid restrictions and allowed full capacity for big venues like Nippon Budokan. Nearly ten thousand fans got to witness a spectacular event highlighted by a major inter-promotional war between WWE’s Shinsuke Nakamura and the legendary Great Muta in the latter’s last-ever singles match.



In comparison to this wonderful show, here is a past event held in the Nippon Budokan Arena Monthly Puroresu recommends you hunt up.

All Japan Pro Wrestling: 50th Anniversary

Date: September 18th

Attendance: 4,780

All Japan Pro Wrestling celebrated its historic 50th anniversary by holding an event at Nippon Budokan for the first time in many years. On a night full of memorable moments the best was undoubtedly the main event which saw champion Suwama face off against challenger Kento Miyahara for the Triple Crown Heavyweight Championship!





