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Ones To Watch, 09.06.22 – Pom Harajuku

Pom Harajuku

By Rui Guimarães

Pro-wrestling fans always always relate Japanese wrestling to its hard-hitting and stiff fighting style.

But Tokyo Joshi Pro-Wrestling is not your standard wrestling company.

Tokyo Joshi combines idol music, comedy and wrestling with the characterisation of its roster. They’re all unique in their own way to make them stand out. From bees and kaijus to birds and superheroes enters the fascinating character of Pom Harajuku.

Pom Harajuku made her debut in Tokyo Joshi on November 24th 2018 against the “Magical Girl” Yuka Sakazaki, and her over-the-top personality hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down since.

What makes Pom such an interesting character to watch is how fun she is and how her moveset and fighting style mirrorsi it. She’s primarily a comedy wrestler, known by the nickname “The Eternal 3-Year Old” that claims to be born and raised in Harajuku. Instead of targeting places that most wrestlers would, her child-like persona comes out as she focuses on striking her opponents in their shins just like a kid would.

So far in 2022, Pom has had an interesting few months:
-Participating in the 9th Annual Tokyo Princess Cup tournament
-Had a singles match against foreign star Max The Impaler in their Japanese debut match.
-Teamed up with her friends Raku and Yuki Aino.

With her signature move the Pom de Justice, and an explosive, loveable, cute and endless stream of bubbly personality, Pom Harajuku is definitely one to watch.


