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Ones To Watch, 09.26.22 – Chie Koishikawa

Chie Koishikawa

By Rui Guimarães

“Say Helloooooooooo” to your new favourite wrestler!

Trained by Emi Sakura as part of Gatoh Move, Chie Koshikawa is a ball of energy that never seems to end. In fact, she has so much energy that she’s been appropriately named for having “too much energy”.

Much like others in ChocoPro, Chie’s biggest positive is her comedy – once having a pet shark on her hand that helped her out when she injured her wrist.

She’s had a fantastic 2022 so far, having matches in Ichigaya Chocolate Sqaure against Emi Sakura, Chris Brookes, Mei Suruga, Baliyan Akki and more. But where Chie really started to make headlines was her debut in World Wonder Ring STARDOM at NEW BLOOD 4, where she competed in a three-way battle against Lady C and Ruaka.

Despite her primarily not-so-serious character, Chie has a resilent heart and versatile to adapt to any situation in the ring.

Chie Kishikawa may not be your conventional wrestler, but if the cast of ChocoPro has taught us anything – it’s that there’s more than enough room for fun and games in the world of wrestling.



