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Ones To Watch, 09.12.22 – Lord Gideon Grey

3 years ago

Ones To Watch, 09.12.22 – Lord Gideon Grey

By: James Carlin

In an industry flooded with absolutely detestable human beings, Gideon Grey is certainly one of them.

He may be a Lord, he may be God, he may be an Evil Genius, but if there’s one thing that’s certain – he’s the Mastermind of the United Empire.

Gideon is no stranger to playing puppetry or leading villainous groups, having led The Legion through multiple different iterations in RevPro including with fellow United Empire stablemate Great O-Khan. As well as being a hugely successful manager of The Legion in RevPro, he’s dabbled in commentary next to Andy Quildan, making him one of the most versatile talents on the New Japan and RevPro roster. Sorry, Kevin Kelly.

Once revered as one of the United Kingdom’s underrated technical wrestlers, the Mastermind made his surprising debut in a New Japan ring a few weeks ago. Many, like NJPW English commentator Kevin Kelly, hoped and prayed that the day would never come, but alas, the Evil Genius found a way to enter through the borders of Japan and straight into the hearts of the fans.

Of course “hearts of the fans” is purely subjective to who you are, as Gideon will gleefully play to the Japanese audience while demeaning and looking down upon those who speak English. A cruel, cruel man indeed. But at least he hasn’t grown his hair back, so it’s not too bad.

A masterful and deceitful man on the outside, his wit and humour never seems to get old and his walking stick and bald head only make him look more like the Evil Genius he had become in the years leading up to his debut in Japan.

To be frank, Gideon doesn’t need to win a championship. He already has one of the best accolades in the world – no matter whether he’s good or bad, the fans will still support his machiavellianism wherever he may go.

Gideon Grey is this weeks One To Watch. If you don’t watch him, he’s probably already stabbed you in the back. And the front. And probably everywhere else too.


