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NOAH’s Takashi Sugiura Will Wrestle In Dragon Gate

2 years ago

NOAH’s Takashi Sugiura Will Wrestle In Dragon Gate

The former GHC Heavyweight Champion Takashi Sugiura will make his debut for Dragon Gate on October 5th, alongside Masa Kitamiya.

By: R. Faliani

Pro-Wrestling NOAH and Dragon Gate have been in an interesting relationship. With their interpromotional bouts and shows they have constituted what could be sort of an alliance between the two companies. NOAH and Dragon Gate have traded stars back and forth, and it’s now Takashi Sugiura’s turn to debut for Dragon Gate on October 5th. As part of Masaaki Mochizuki’s special produced shows, which always have tried to bring a breath of fresh air to the promotion with matches that usually don’t happen, Sugiura and his partner Masa Kitamiya will wrestle Don Fujii and YAMATO.

Sugiura-gun’s leader has had a 20-plus year career, but he has never wrestled for Dragon Gate before. Of course, Dragon Gate is famously known for its Junior Heavyweight style and presentation, but both Sugiura and Masa Kitamiya are plain and pure Heavyweights. Nonetheless, both Sugiura and Kitamiya have proven from time to time that they’re pretty skillful and fast when needed. Will they translate well to DG’s style or will they dominate their opponents with NOAH’s gritty and aggressive way to wrestle?


