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NOAH x Dragon Gate – GLOBAL DREAM Review

2 years ago

NOAH x Dragon Gate – GLOBAL DREAM Review

By: Syn Fritz

The Ark has rolled back into Tokyo’s Korakuen Hall for the 2nd day of Global2days for Global Dream. This time though, they’re not alone. Dragon Gate (founded on July 5th, 2004 by Takashi Okumura) has teamed up with NOAH for this joint show. Let’s see how the show went down.

Madoka Kikuta & Ryu Fuda & Mochizuki Junior vs Yoshiki Inamura & Yasutaka Yano & Kai Fujimura

This six man tag kicked off the show today with standing out the most as he was the biggest of the competitors in this match. The only person who seemed to at least try to meet him in power was Dragon Gate’s own Madoka Kikuta who is one half of the Open The Twin Gate Champions (with Dragon Dia). The match itself wasn’t very long, and once you are hit by Inamura’s Oklahoma Slam, that is pretty much it for you.

Winners: Yoshiki Inamura & Yasutaka Yano & Kai Fujimura

Ben-K & Minolita vs Eita & Super Crazy vs Manabu Soya & ISHIN vs Susumu Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda vs Mohammed Yone & Bigboss Shimizu
5-way Tag Team Elimination Match

This 5-way elimination tag match was your comedy match of the evening. The rules were simple, only way to win was by throwing one member of another team over the top rope and to the floor, KO, pinfall or submission with a new team entering the match every 90 seconds. Mohammed Yone & Bigboss Shimizu took on Ben-K & Minolita at the beginning with Yone and Minolita starting. Susumu Mochizuki & Yasushi Kanda would arrive on scooters to the ring next, followed by Eita & Super Crazy, and lastly vs Manabu Soya & ISHIN.

Mochizuki and Kanda would be the first team eliminated by being thrown over the top rope, to the floor by Yone and Shimizu. Eita and Super Crazy were eliminated next by double school boy pins from Ben-K and Minolita. Sadly Minolita and Ben-K would be eliminated afterwards. Lastly, Yone would cost it for his team as he would collide with Shimizu sending him to the floor.

Wasn’t fully into this match but it was short and sweet.

Winners: Manabu Soya & ISHIN


Ryo Saito & Genki Horiguchi & Rongai NOSAWA vs Kzy & JACKY “FUNKY” KAMEI & YO-HEY

This match got ugly real quick, as hell hath no fury like Ogawa scorn.

Another comedy match of sorts due to NOSAWA being NOSAWA and Ryo Saito being Ryo Saito. The famed (or dreaded, depending on your opinion) rubber band of Dragon Gate makes an appearance in this show. Kzy picks up the victory for his team after Ryo cracks NOSAWA in the jaw with a vicious forearm.



X vs Konomama Ichikawa

The last comedy match of the show and for the 2nd time in his NOAH career, Satoshi Kojima is X and makes quick work of Ichikawa. in about 3 to 5 minutes, just destroying Ichikawa, but in a fun yet charming way.

WINNER:  Satoshi Kojima

Atsushi Kotoge & Dante Leon & Punch Tominaga vs U-T & Jason Lee & Strong Machine J
6-Man Tag Team Match

It should be said that all these men are great athletes, and did put on a good match. Sadly, this one felt like it was just a filler match, as nothing remarkable stands out about it and the GHC Jr. heavyweight Champion is in this one. So much so that the only thing from NOAH’s own twitter account about the match is U-T, Jason Lee and Strong Machine J getting in the ring.

Winners: Dante Leon, Atsushi Kotoge & Punch Tominaga

YAMATO vs Seiki Yoshioka

This was honestly different then what I thought it would be, but it was still a great match. Both men are known for their speed and strikes, but YAMATO is the tricky veteran . YAMATO is willing to give everything he has in this match against Yoshioka, likewise can be said about Yoshioka too. But once YAMATO started to pick apart Yoshioka’s leg, it was the beginning of the end. Strikes, dragon screw leg whips, and more was all that was needed to pick apart the damaged knee of Yoshioka.

Both men put on a stellar match, going back and forth the whole match. but there can only only be one winner here, and it is the veteran of Dragon Gate with his finish, Gallaria.

Winner: YAMATO

Shun Skywalker & Tadasuke vs AMAKUSA & Takuma Fujiwara

Anyone would be unsure of Skywalker and Tadasuke working together in this one and understandably so, and trouble already seemed to start right before the bell even rung.

It starts out in typical KONGO fashion (attacking their opponents before the bell rings), and they gain controls. Sky walker and Tadasuke seem to have it under control for a few moments through out the match Unfortunately that control starts to crumble, then break down when Tadasuke starts to make it all about himself, giving AMAKUSA and Takuma Fujiwara the opportunity to come back and take the victory.

Winners: AMAKUSA & Takuma Fujiwara

Dragon Kid & Alejandro & Dragon Dia & Ninja Mack & Extreme Tiger vs BxB Hulk & H.Y.O. & Diamante & Hajime Ohara & Hi69
10-Man Tag Team Match

Unlike Skywalker and Tadasuke, the team of  BxB Hulk, HYO, Diamante, Hajime Ohara & Hi69 are all on the same page against the team of Dragon Kid, Alejandro, Dragon Dia and Ninja Mack. Everyone in the match is looking to bring their A game here. Ninja Mack seems a little off his game though, probably recovering still from the GHC Championship match the night before with Dante Leon.

Lucha, technical and more are all on display for everyone to see in this match,  and possibly 1 of three great matches overall on the show.

Both teams do their best here to promote the junior heavyweight styles they each all have, and hopefully this all can lead to a much bigger and brighter N-Innovation show after this.

WINNER: Dragon Kid, Alejandro, Dragon Dia, Extreme Tiger and Ninja Mack

Kaito Kiyomiya & Yuki Yoshioka vs Kenoh & Kota Minoura

The Open the Dream Game and GHC Heavyweight Champions taking on their number 1 contenders in this one. Kota Minoura, challenging for the Open The Dream Gate Championship, and Kenoh challenging for the GHC Heavyweight Championship. Champions face off against each other to star, then challengers face off next. You can see it in Kenoh’s eyes that he is only focused on Kiyomiya in this contest, but not so focus that he can’t pick apart Yuki Yoshioka.

Once Kenoh gets Kaito in though, it begins. Picking apart the GHC Heavyweight Champion, wanting to weaken him before January. Both Champions do their absolute best to get things back on their side, even going so far to do a double Tope Con Hilo over the top to the floor on their challengers, but its not really enough, as momentum would swing back to the challengers.

In the end, Kaito Kiyomiya falls to his challenger, Kenoh with  the moonsault into the double knee drop,  defeating him only 24 hours after challenging him for the gold on January 1st.

Winners: Kenoh & Kota Minoura

This was such an odd joint show. Personally if feels like the first 5 matches were just thrown together haphazardly. It doesn’t help that this had no real build to it either. Hopefully next time this happens, if there is a next time, their will be some gold up for stakes. Cause as it stand right now, as is, this just isn’t really memorable.