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New STARDOM Manga Announced

1 year ago

New STARDOM Manga Announced

New STARDOM Manga Announced

By: J. Curbelo

STARDOM continues their plan of capturing the female demographic, especially on the younger side, as mangaka Yasue Imai confirmed she was tasked with a new manga based on the joshi promotion, with illustrations by colleague Yuki Harami. This is not the first manga created about STARDOM, as Bushiroad started serialization of “Shine!! STARDOM Girls’ School” two years ago.

Designed by the artist known as Tanukicchi, it follows a chibi styled version of the roster as high school students, with each unit as student clubs and the company’s real life events being translated to an academic setting. For example, Momo Watanabe’s dramatic betrayal of Queen’s Quest in late 2021 takes place in a game of dodgeball, in which teen Momo throws a ball in AZM’s face to join the Oedo Tai club.

Now, Imai and Harami will embark into a different portrayal of the stars in the World’s Ring of Wonder. From her announcement alone, it’s shown that the wrestlers will be depicted in their adult, real life likenesses, with a design that leans heavily on the shoujo aesthetic.

This is likely on purpose, as the manga will be serialized through the Pucchigumi magazine. A monthly publication geared towards young girls which has been active since 2006 and has a reportedly big following.

The magazine has serialized multiple franchises, including the successful My Little Pony IP. STARDOM being featured in the magazine would expose multiple young girls to the company and, likely, pro wrestling as a whole.


