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Miyu Yamashita and Millie McKenzie to Complete Trilogy at TJPW

2 years ago

Miyu Yamashita and Millie McKenzie to Complete Trilogy at TJPW

Miyu Yamashita and Millie McKenzie to Complete Trilogy at TJPW

By: J. Curbelo

Two of the most proficient international standouts in women’s wrestling today, Millie McKenzie and Miyu Yamashita, are set to fight for the Pro Wrestling EVE Championship on November 27th at Tokyo Joshi Pro Wrestling’s Korakuen Hall show. This will be the third encounter between them this year.

The first time the two rivals squared off took place last October in Barcelona, Spain, as the main event of Revolution Championship Wrestling’s World Cup 3 show in a non-tournament singles match. McKenzie took the win in an upset that made the crowd roar with excitement. TJPW’s Pink Striker got her win back during night one of EVE’s Wrestle Queendom V show last Sunday, which granted her an opportunity to take the British promotion’s top prize by ending Alex Windor’s hours long reign later that night.

Almost immediately after the show, the new champion confirmed that the next time she would face Millie would be in Japan, and the TJPW account would confirm this matchup for their next Korakuen Hall show later this month as Yamashita’s first defense of the prestigious championship. Will Miyu receive poetic justice after taking the title from the previous champion in her own first defense? It’s up to Millie McKenzie to break the tie at Miyu’s home.


