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Masha Slamovich To Appear for TJPW in January

9 months ago The official match graphic for the Princess of Princess title match on January 4, 2024. c/o TJPW

The official match graphic for the Princess of Princess title match on January 4, 2024. c/o TJPW

Masha Slamovich To Appear for TJPW in January

IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champion Masha Slamovich will debut for Tokyo Joshi Pro-Wrestling at the start of 2024.

By: James Carlin

Today it was made official at TJPW’s Shinjuku FACE show that Masha Slamovich will compete for Tokyo Joshi at the beginning of next year.

Her first match will be at the company’s annual Ittenyon (Jan 4.) show, challenging Miyu Yamashita for the Princess of Princess championship, whilst her second will be facing Hikari Noa in a deathmatch just two days later on January 6th.

Slamovich has wrestled in Japan previously, most notably for Marvelous and GCW in recent years. She is the current IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Champion with Killer Kelly as MK Ultra.

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