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KUSHIDA Gets an Upset Victory over Hiromu Takahashi at Best of the Super Juniors

5 months ago M. Ish | Monthly Puroresu

M. Ish | Monthly Puroresu

KUSHIDA Gets an Upset Victory over Hiromu Takahashi at Best of the Super Juniors

By: R. Faliani

New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Best of the Super Juniors tournament started and the results were more than interesting, with key wrestlers in the division getting big losses in the first round and many others deciding to take action and write their own legacies in such competition. The lineup for this year’s BOSJ is one that includes many top Junior talents from American companies, and wrestlers making their return to action on Japanese soil, such as the men who got an upset victory over Hiromu Takahashi, a former BOSJ winner by the name of KUSHIDA.

Takahashi and KUSHIDA go way back as rivals because they were the ones that represented part of the Junior Heavyweight division in New Japan. After KUSHIDA departed from the company, Takahashi was the one trusted with the mission to carry the division during these years, and after all this time they both met in a ring again, with KUSHIDA having a win over the Junior Ace, putting into play if he was actually that good all this time, or if he was just warming up KUSHIDA’s throne.


