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Konosuke Takeshita Is Challenged by MAO

11 months ago

Konosuke Takeshita Is Challenged by MAO

After a hard-fought battle between 37KAMIINA and DAMNATION, the former DDT Universal Champion MAO challenged AEW’s Konosuke Takeshita.

By: R. Faliani

The tag-team match for DDT Big Bang between 37KAMIINA and DAMNATION was a match for the ages. Both Yuki Ueno and MAO gave their absolute best, and MAO even sacrificed him for Ueno at times. The unit learned from their past mistakes against the team of Daisuke Sasaki and KONOSUKE TAKESHITA and got the victory in a surprising result. 37KAMIINA couldn’t send the crowd home happy this time, but with his own Neppower, MAO challenged TAKESHITA to a singles match at DDT. MAO has been known for being a wrestler with an empty head, but we have had the pleasure of talking to him and we know for a fact that he has more guts and passion that a lot of wrestlers today.

TAKESHITA answered MAO’s challenge right after the match ended and he was backstage. After declaring he was the God of Pro-Wrestling now, TAKESHITA accepted MAO’s challenge for September 24th, at Korakuen Hall. Both wrestlers had a stellar year, but these last months have been career-defining for TAKESHITA as he got to pin Kenny Omega twice in the same month. We don’t think MAO is going to have what it takes to defeat this new and malicious version of who once was his friend and ally. But at the same time, we don’t know what lies inside his heart. After all, MAO was the one swinging that crutch at TAKESHITA the last time they faced each other at Korakuen. The battle between 37KAMIINA and DAMNATION is far from over, and this is a match we will keep an eye on.


