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Katsuhiko Nakajima Suggests Handicap Title Match Against Saito Brothers

1 year ago Source: @PKDX

Source: @PKDX

Katsuhiko Nakajima Suggests Handicap Title Match Against Saito Brothers

By: Lewis Carlan

On February 20th at the famed Korakuen Hall, the current All Japan Triple Crown champion Katsuhiko Nakajima is set to defend his title for the fourth time against Rei Saito. Saito earned the right to challenge for the prestigious title after he pinned Nakajima in an AJPW World Tag Team Title match back on January 14th. Following Nakajima’s successful title defense on January 27th against Shotaro Ashino, Saito confronted Nakajima and made it clear that he wanted to be the next challenger for the Triple Crown. AJPW quickly made the title match official for the Excite Series 2024 Tour.

A press conference was held on February 7th in Tokyo to promote the upcoming match between Nakajima and Saito. Nakajima appeared at the press conference wearing an interesting choice of attire that consisted of a blue sportscoat with a USA stars and stripes bowtie t-shirt underneath.

During the press conference, Nakajima revealed he had received a warning letter from the Inoki Genome Federation (IGF) to cease using the term “Toukan Style”. Nakajima offered an apology to IGF in light of the written warning. Nakajima had been promoting “Toukan Style” since joining AJPW back in November 2023. IGF, who manages the affairs of the late Antonio Inoki, has a registered trademark on “Toukan Style” and the claim is Nakajima has been using the phrase without permission.

In addition to the apology, Nakajima addressed being pinned by Saito during the January 14th World Tag Team Title match. Nakajima insisted that he did not lose to Rei Saito but was defeated by both Saito Brothers. As he claimed that he has been training vigorously since January 14th to defeat both Jun and Rei Saito, Nakajima suggested that his February 20th title defense become a two on one encounter. Saito declined making his Triple Crown opportunity a handicap match stating that he is enough to win on his own against Nakajima. We will find out on February 20th at Korakuen Hall if that is in fact true.

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