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Jun Saito Looks To Destroy Katsuhiko Nakajima and Win the AJPW Triple Crown

1 year ago Source: @PKDX

Source: @PKDX

Jun Saito Looks To Destroy Katsuhiko Nakajima and Win the AJPW Triple Crown

By: R. Faliani

After Rei Saito was forced to miss his Triple Crown match with Katsuhiko Nakajima due to his injury, his older brother Jun Saito was chosen to replace his partner. Now, as the Saito Brothers are no longer the All Japan Pro Wrestling World Tag Team Champions, Jun is looking forward to destroying Nakajima and bringing the Triple Crown home like his brother.

Today, a press conference was held for AJPW’s February 20th Korakuen. Said conference saw Jun excited and determined to knock down Nakajima’s house of cards, but Nakajima didn’t see any real opposition in Jun. Based on the report from PKDX, Jun promised to bring DOOM to Nakajima, and he even said that as Triple Crown Champion he was going to accept Rei’s challenge once he returned:

“There’s a bad atmosphere around the champion Nakajima right now, but I’ll use DOOM to remove it. As Triple Crown Champion, I will accept my brother’s challenge and have a Saito Brothers Triple Crown showdown. Look forward to it!”

When it was time for the Triple Crown Champion to speak, he wished Rei the best recovery possible and said he was going to wait patiently for him. After saying that, Nakajima pointed out Jun’s challenge, and said he was going to take everything from everyone:

“As you can see, Jun has more power and size than me, but I will take everything he brings to our match with “Fighting Spirit”, and defeat the small but big guy. I will control him, and lead myself to victory once again.”

Nakajima wanted to face both Saito Brothers in a 2-on-1 match, but Rei’s injury was worse than expected. Now, the Triple Crown Champion will face the older Saito brother, and he’s looking to add another victory to his title reign.


