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Great Sakuya Debut Ends in Blood, DQ

1 year ago TaigaPhoto | Monthly Puroresu

TaigaPhoto | Monthly Puroresu

Great Sakuya Debut Ends in Blood, DQ

By: Thom Fain

NOAH phenom Great Sakuya made her in-ring debut alongside Nagisa Nozaki in a disqualification against the team of Haruka Umesaki and Miyuki Takase.

The match marks NOAH’s 10th card featuring joshi wrestling as part of the main card (excluding TJPW showcase events), signaling a continuation the company’s commitment to evolve with women’s wrestling in the traditionally male-only promotion. Adding to that, hyped for weeks on MONDAY MAGIC, was the appearance of Keiji Muto at commentary to get a close look at Great Muta’s daughter, Great Sakuya.

The bloody affair went into DQ territory after Great Sakuya hurled a chair into the ref, forcing a stoppage in the match that highlighted a ruthlessness and apparent disregard for NOAH’s norms. Supported by her teammate, a beatdown ensued that left blood all over the ring.

Great Sakuya hit Muta’s patented moonsault following the ring bell, working with Nozaki before being forced backstage, sufficiently proud of their tandem havoc.

Whatever fans expected, they were audibly surprised Great Sakuya busted up her opponents for a little color while putting an exclamation mark on her presence in NOAH. The disqualification may indicate an ongoing feud, giving continuity to a budding women’s division and a program to work off of as NOAH experiments with having women wrestle at its big events.

The grueling theatrics threw off the relatively strait-laced Umesaki and Takase, as Umesaki screamed the names of her opponents in disbelief backstage following the match.

All photos by Taiga for MP


